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Labmate Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer LMUS-C104 is a high class grating instrument with hermetic light to ensure that the instrument has extreme low stray light. It has a self-check function to check the wavelength and photometry accuracy. It has a SiO2 protection coating to block the outside pollutant. There are 65000 true colours and support U disk for data saving.

Features :

Large LCD screen
Deuterium light source preventing ozone inhalation
Real time monitoring of lamp with advanced system
Self-check: Wavelength accuracy, photometry accuracy
Automatic wavelength calibration, wavelength setting
Automatic dark current calibration
Automatically changes lamp source
SiO2 coating to block pollutants
Replaceable Pre-aligned lamps (Tungsten and Deuterium)
PC scanning software
Low noise and low stray light
Specifications :
Wavelength 190 nm – 1100 nm
Spectral Bandwidth 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 5 nm
Optical System Single Beam, grating (1200 lines/minute)
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.3 nm
Wavelength Repeatability ≤ 0.2 nm
Photometric Range 0 – 200 % T, -0.310-3.0A
Photometric Accuracy ± 0.002A(0 – 0.5Abs) ±0.004A (0.5 – 1.0 Abs) 0.3% T (0 – 100% T)
Photometric Repeatability 0.001 A (0 ~ 0.5 A), 0.002 A (0.5 ~ 1 A), ≤ 0.1 % T (0 ~ 100 % T),
Detector Silicon Photodiode
Light Source Tungsten Lamp and Deuterium Lamp
Stray Light ≤ 0.04 % (220 / 360 nm)
Stability ± 0.001 A/h; 500 nm
Data Output Port USB-A 2 Print and data output USB-B Connect PC
Noise 0.0004 Abs
Baseline Flatness ± 0.0015 A
Display TFT LCD (480 x 800)
Optional Accessories :
Model No. Specification
LMUS-OA1 Optional 8 Optional cell holder
LMUS-OA2 Solid Sample Holder
LMUS-OA3 Micro Cell Holder
LMUS-OA4 10 mm Cell Holder
LMUS-OA5 50 mm Cell Holder
LMUS-OA6 100 mm Cell Holder
Labmate Scientific Inc