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Autorefractor Keratometer LMRK-401

Autorefractor Keratometer LMRK-401 is a compatible ophthalmic device with a high-quality hexagon prism and a highly sensitive CCD, and with an autofocus function. It is equipped with a measurement range for sphere is -20m-1 to +20m-1 (VD = 12mm) 0.12/0.25m-1 step, and for cylinder is 8m-1 to +8m-1 (VD = 12mm) 0.12/0.25m-1 step. The angle of the axis is ranging from 0 to 180˚ 1˚ step with the Keratometer radius and the curvature measures of 5.0 to 10 mm. It is provided with a 7-inch LCD display for monitoring.



Refractometer -20m-1 to +20m-1 (VD = 12mm) 0.12/0.25m-1 step, 8m-1 to +8m-1 (VD = 12mm) 0.12/0.25m-1 step, 0 to 180° (1°step), 45 to 88 mm,1mm step, -, +, ±, ø2.0 mm
Keratometer 5.0 to 10mm(increment:0.01mm), 33.75 to 67.50D(when comer equivalent refractive index is 1.337) (increment selectable from 0.12,0.25D), 0.0 to 0.8D(increment selectable from 0.12,0.25D), 1 to 180° (increment 1°), 2.0 to 14.0mm (increment 0.1mm), 10 measure value for each right and left eye
General Features Follow-up colorful fogging chart system, 7″ TFT LCD, Thermal print, 90V to 264V to 50Hz/60Hz, 492mm×280mm×476mm, 15.5KG


Product Price Unit Action
Autorefractor Keratometer LMRK-401 $3,108.00 Pack of 1


It has a high-quality hexagon prism and a CCD that is extremely sensitive
It has an autofocus feature that calculates eye values automatically
It comes with a 7-inch LCD monitor for monitoring
For ease of use, it comes with a motorized chin rest and a tilting screen
It has memory data for both eyes with 10-measure values


Measures how light is affected as it reflects through the eyeball to determine an individual's prescription. For the patient, the procedure is quick and painless, and the data provides a baseline for determining the proper eyeglass or contact lens prescription.

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  • Pupil Distance: 45 to 88mm, step: 1 mm
  • Vertex Distance: 0mm, 12mm, 13.75 mm
  • Minimum Pupil Size: Ø2.0 mm
  • Chart: Auto fog

Auto Refractometer LMAR-401

  • Modes: REF mode, KEF mode
  • Pupil Distance: 10 to 85 mm
  • Minimum pupil diameter measurable: 2.0 mm
  • Target: Automatic fogging target
  • Radius of curvature: 5 to 10 mm (0.01mm step)

Auto Refractometer LMAR-403

  • Range Of Measurement: -20.00 to +20.00D(VD=12) 0.12D/0.25D step, 0.00 to ±10.00D (VD = 12mm) 0.12/0.25D step, 1 to 180° (1°step), 30 to 85 mm, 0.0, 12.0, 13.75, 15.0mm, ø2.0 mm, Automatic fogging
  • Corneal Curvature Measurement: 5.0 to 10mm(increment:0.01mm), 33.00 to 67.00D (0.12,0.25D), 0.00 to 15.00D(0.12,0.25D), 1 to 180° (step 1°), 2.0 to 12.00 mm
  • K/R Mode Of Measurement: Refractive and Keratometer measurement
  • REF Mode Of Measurement: Refractive measurement
  • KEF Mode Of Measurement: Corneal curvature measurement
Autorefractor Keratometer LMRK-402
  • Refractometer: -20 to +20D(VD=12) 0.125D step, -8 to +8D 0.125D step, 0° to 180° (1°step), 045 to 88 mm,1mm step, 0 mm,12 mm,13.75 mm, ø2.0 mm
  • Keratometer: 5.0 to 10mm(increment:0.01mm), 33.75 to 67.50D(when comer equivalent refractive index is 1.337) (increment selectable from 0.12,0.25D), 0.0 to 0.8D(increment selectable from 0.12,0.25D), 1 to 180° (increment 1°), 2.0 to 14.0mm (increment 0.1mm), 10 measure value for each right and left eye
  • General features: Follow-up colorful fogging chart system, 7 inch TFT LCD, Thermal print, 220V±10% 50 Hz 60 VA, 514mm×284mm×465mm, 15.5KG