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Hematology analyzer LMHA-A901

Hematology analyzer LMHA-A901 is a mini 5-part analyzer with a display of 10.4 TFT touch screen which is useful to the customers who have day-to-day samples in small amounts. This analyzer is compact size and can be operated without external operator. The storage is up to 50000 sample data and the results can include both numerical and graphical. This analyzer can process 60 samples per hour. It has the capability to measure 27 types of parameters as per user’s requirement.



Principles Impedance method for RBC and PLT counting Cyanide free reagent for hemoglobin test Flow Cytometry (FCM) + Tri-angle laser scatter method for WBC 5-part differential analysis and WBC counting
Parameters 27 parameters: WBC, Lym%, Mon%, Neu%, Bas%, Eos%, Lym# ,Mon#, Neu#, Eos# , Bas#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC,RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLI, MPV, PDW, PCT, LIC%, LIC#, ALY%, ALY# 3 histograms for WBC, RBC and PLT 3 DIFF scatter grams and 1 BASO scatter gram
Reagent DIL-C Diluent, LYC-1 LYSE, LYC-2 LYSE, CLE-P
Linearity Range WBC (0.00-300.00)X 10%/L RBC (0.00-8.50)X1012/L HGB (0-250)G/L PLT (0-3000)X 10%/L HCT 0.0-67.0%
Repeatability WBC≤2.0% RBC≤1.5% HGB≤1.5% PLT≤4.0% MCV≤1.0%
Display 10.4 inch TFT Touch Screen
Throughput 60 samples per hour
Language English
Data Storage Capacity Up to 50,000 results including numeric and graphical
Communication LAN port supports HL7 protocol
Interface 4 USB Ports, 1LAN port
Printout External Laser printer / Inkjet printer, various printout formats and user-defined formats
Dimensions (L×W×H) mm 364 x 431x 498
Net Weight 26.5kg


Product Price Unit Action
Hematology analyzer LMHA-A901 $10,800.00 Pack of 1


It gives accurate results and compact structure
It contains of strong and durable air pump
It also provided an advantage of 2 types of printing options
They can store up to 50000 results including numerical and graphical
It follows 3 methods to analyze the components in the blood
The user can conveniently view the results in 10.4 inch TFT touch screen
The connection between the computer and the instruments is supported by 4 USB ports and 1 LAN


Hematology analyzers are used to run tests on blood samples. They are used in the medical field for white blood cell counts, complete blood counts, reticulocyte analysis, and coagulation tests.

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